640 research outputs found

    Pushing woodworking into the digitization age: the WW4.0 project

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    Starting from the premise that technological advances in recent years have enabled the increase in industrial productivity then, industries that are more integrated into the technological environment tend to have more optimized and automated processes. Thus, they are able to offer more attractive prices to their customers, as well as greater control of their processes to make decisions that best fit the company’s market strategy. Currently, in the context of the small to the medium-sized furniture manufacturing industry, technological advances have brought an enormous contribution to the efficiency improvement of industrial-made products [1]. However, despite the extensive robotisation currently being felt in many of these industry activities, digitisation of the process loops is still in its early infancy.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Design and development of a mechatronic water saving system for conventional faucets

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    In many places in the globe, such as north Africa and middle Asia, water is very precious and scarce resource and must be must be used rationally. For example, preventing water from running through the taps when it is not being used is one of the actions that should be considered. This article follows on from this idea and describes the prototype for that can be attached to conventional offthe- shelf faucets in order to prevent water waste. the document later disclose the water wastage problem specific to the households problem namely water taps, highlighting a shade of what predecessors had relevantly done to solve it. In addition, the paper provides the obtained results annexed with some explanatory diagrams. drawings the conclusions. theWater is essential for all living creatures on the planet, hence efforts to conserve it must be made. Making automated water taps is one way to reduce water consumption. so it’s important to conceive of a solution that controls both water level and water flow much us reducing related energy like heat and electricity. Basically, the circuit is mounted on a breadboard as the electronic part will be incorporated into the system design conceived to fit the majority of single lever tap. The document end with a study of a 3d devise having design which can be a commercialised devise with more improvement of a potential manufacturer.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Brand extensions: A marketing plan for the launching of a tea product line applied to Luso

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    This thesis project has the main goal of developing a strategic and operational marketing plan to support the launching of a tea product range by Luso directed to healthy minded consumers. The launching process will take place in Portuguese market during the summer of 2013. In this marketing plan was identified the potential market size and set actions for the new product proposal implementation, Luso Tea. This was achieved through the acquisition of knowledge from scientific research analysis that contributed to more consistent action plan definition. In an intermediary step was made a deep and crucial market, company and competitive analysis becoming possible to do a coherent product concept, support and communication. To really understand how to make an optimal product to healthy minded consumers was made a complete profiling of these target, leading to an adapted marketing strategy where was design all marketing mix components.Este projeto de tese tem o objetivo principal de desenvolver um plano de marketing estratégico e operacional para servir de base ao lançamento de uma gama de produtos de chá pela Luso, direcionado para os consumidores com uma mentalidade saudável. O processo de lançamento terá lugar no mercado Português durante o verão de 2013. Neste plano de marketing foi identificada a dimensão potencial do mercado e foram definidas ações para a implementação da nova proposta de produto, Luso Tea. Isto foi conseguido através da aquisição de conhecimentos a partir da análise de artigos científicos, o que contribuiu para a definição de um plano de ações mais consistente. Num passo intermédio foi feita uma profunda e crucial análise do mercado, da empresa e do ambiente competitivo tornando possível fazer um produto coerente ao nível do conceito, serviços de apoio e comunicação. Para realmente se compreender como fazer um produto adaptado aos consumidores com uma mentalidade saudável foi feita uma caracterização completa deste público-alvo, levando á elaboração de uma estratégia de marketing adaptada, onde foram desenhados todos componentes do marketing mix

    Orientalismos americanistas: Vicente Fidel López, Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen y los indígenas

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    This article analyzes Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen´s and Vicente Fidel López’ respective theories on the origins of the Tupi and Peruvian Indians. In particular, it puts forward that the historicist approach of the authors’ theories can be attributed to the linguistic contributions of orientalism. The principal aim of this work is to shed light on the connections, in both authors’ works, between indigenism, linguistics, historiography and political plans for Argentina and Brazil.Este artículo examina las teorías acerca de los orígenes de los indígenas tupís, de Francisco Adolfo de Varnhagen, y de los indígenas peruanos, de Vicente Fidel López. Se propone que la deriva historicista de esas teorías se debía a los aportes lingüísticos del orientalismo. El objetivo de este trabajo es arrojar luz sobre las relaciones, en ambos autores, entre indigenismo, lingüística, historiografía y proyectos políticos para Argentina y Brasil

    Seller-buyer supply chain: a game theory framework

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    We present a game theoretical framework to study competition and collaboration scenarios in seller-buyer supply chains, representing a manufacturer that wholesales a product to a retailer who, in turn, retails to the final consumer. We study cooperative and non-cooperative scenarios, by considering in the first case a Stackelberg game under both the situations where one of the players, either the buyer or the seller, plays the leading role by taking the initiative and forcing the strategy of the other player, the follower. In the cooperative game, we analyse scenarios where the pro t of both players are increased when applying joint cooperative strategies. We also compute the Nash equilibria. This is undergoing work.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Solar radiation prediction using wavelet decomposition

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    Nowadays, a substantial part of the agricultural production takes place in greenhouses, which enable to tune the crop growing by modifying, artificially, the environmental conditions and the plant’s nutrition. The main goal is to optimise the balance between the production economic return and the operation costs of the climate actuators. Severe environment and market restrictions jointly with an increasing tendency of the fuel price motivate the development of more “intelligent” energy regulators. In order to formulate the best options for a production plan, this type of artificial supervisors must be able to formulate close predictions on a large set of variables. Considering, for instance, the air temperature control inside a greenhouse, the system must be able to close predict the evolution of the solar radiation since this is the exogenous variable which most influences the thermal load during the day. In this paper, an artificial neural network, in conjunction with a wavelet decomposition strategy, is used for forecasting, an hour ahead, the instantaneous solar radiation energy density sampled at one minute interval. The results obtained from this work encourage further exploitation of this kind of signal processing techniqu

    Improving pedestrian’s crosswalk accessibility through digital fencing

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    One of the major challenges for visually impaired people is to walk safely in any urban landscape. Modern cities are using passive solutions, like audible signals, to promote the security of that pedestrians. However, these solutions may be insufficient to provide the relevant information about the traffic flow, and the length of the crosswalk among many other questions. Smart crosswalks can improve the access to such information by providing a way for the user to share data with them. This paper addresses this question by presenting the VALLPASS project that aims to develop a smart pedestrians crosswalk that, besides other design requirements, aims to promote accessibility by sharing local traffic data with the user. Besides that, pedestrian security will be tackled by defining a digital protecting fence based on the user location obtained from the RSSI values between two beacons and the user’s smartphone. Details behind its operation and the overall functionality of a custom-made app will be provided.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Condicionantes da actividade da PSP face ao sentimento de insegurança

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    O sentimento de insegurança revela-se como uma das questões mais proeminentes no quadro das inquietações sociais, manifestando-se com especial intensidade em áreas eminentemente urbanas. Os espaços citadinos, onde a PSP prossegue a respectiva actividade, apresentam uma maior complexidade ao nível das dinâmicas sociais e possibilitam maiores oportunidades para a ocorrência de comportamentos desviantes, revelando uma especial propensão para o desenvolvimento deste problema. O trabalho desenvolvido pela Polícia é, frequentemente, apontado como um dos factores capazes de condicionar o sentimento de insegurança. Neste sentido, a confiança que as diferentes populações depositam na actividade desenvolvida pelas forças de segurança interfere directamente na respectiva opinião acerca da actividade policial, que por sua vez se irá reflectir nos níveis de segurança percepcionados. Perante este cenário, procurou-se auscultar a opinião da população recenseada no concelho de Lisboa bem como a apreciação das autoridades policiais territorialmente competentes em ordem a retirar elações quanto à actividade desenvolvida pela PSP no referido concelho e de que modo esta influencia o sentimento de insegurança desta população em concreto. Assim sendo, será possível adquirir uma noção mais concreta acerca das questões relacionadas com o desempenho da actividade policial e que, em última instância, poderão condicionar o sentimento de insegurança das mais diversas comunidadesThe feeling of insecurity is revealed as one of the most prominent issues in the context of social concerns, manifesting itself with special intensity in highly urban areas. The townsmen spaces, where PSP develop their activity, present a more complex level of social dynamics and allow greater opportunities for the occurrence of deviant behaviors, revealing a special propensity to develop this problem. Police work is, often, touted as one of the factors that can influence the feeling of insecurity. In this sense, the confidence that different populations deposit in the activity carried out by security forces interferes directly in their opinion about police work, which in turn will reflect the levels of security perceived. Against this background we tried to gauge the opinion of the population census in the municipality of Lisbon as well as the assessment of territorially competent police authorities in order to draw conclusions regarding the activities undertaken by PSP in that county and how it affects the feeling of insecurity of this population in particular. Therefore, it will be possible to acquire a more concrete idea about the issues related to the performance of police activity and, that ultimately, may restrict the feeling of insecurity of the most diverse communities